Check for updates

This functionality uses the Internet and provides automatic updates for many program components. It is used to automatically update interface and user's guides translations, additional modules and files, program patches, and the binary program itself, when new versions are released.

When executed, it check for updates availability and, if any found, shows it on the list with its name, release date, download size and description.
User can then select the ones he wants to download and install, by checking its checkbox. Items not checked for download can be hidden from future checks if the "Hide unselected on next checks" option is checked. The list right click menu provides the handy select all and invert selection functions. List column headers can be clicked to sort the list. The Install button starts the download and install process.

When update includes a new main program version, or patch update, there is the possibility to create a local copy of the update installer, checking the create local copy checkbox. If option checked, the user will be asked to select the directory where to save the files. This way the download can be done only once, and use the saved file as backup copy, or for additional installs.

The use proxy server option can be used if the Internet connection must be carried through a proxy server. There is just need to check it and fill in the respective proxy parameters.

The check again button is used to repeat the search for updates process, without the need to close the tool. Useful when changing Proxy parameters, firewall software blocking Internet access at first try, etc..