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InfoEdit field shortcut key

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shortcut-key for getting into Quick Info Fields Edit mode is F4. Pressing the key forces you to view PDF View tab. I find it rahter annoying - is there any other key combination for getting into PDF View tab's InfoEdit field (which sets focus on entries), that is, without leaving PDF View grid layout? I was unable to find the way to map this functionality using Edit>Preferences>Shortcuts menu.

Thanks in advance.

No, there isn't. But I suppose the F4 invoke functionality may be changed to give the focus to the InfoEdit tool, instead of forcing the quick view edit mode, if the previewer pane is open or the viewer is already in the quick info edit view mode. I'm going to make some tests.
If you have a different idea, please let me know.

I would suggest to make such shortcut key mappings:
F2 - sets focus on "PDF Info" "ScanGrid" Layout last selected entry. If the Focus is already on "PDF Info" tab - hitting F2 enters the File Name Renaming Mode.
F3 - enters into "PDF View" mode. By pressing Ctrl+F3 you get into "Iamges" mode, which is pretty much a "PDF View" but without document's text - which is why it would be intuitive to go under the same "f3".
F4 - sets focus on "InfoEdit" subtab's first Info Field entry and enter's into Editing. This way it would mimic File Renaming, which would be very handy and intuitive. Then by pressing Ctrl+F4 you could get into "PDF View" "InfoEdit" - which would be like an additional setup for info editing. Also, It would be nice to be able to "lock" DB entry field title in the "InfoEdit" so that it would become the "first" which gets focus for editing - it would speed-up editing using only keyboard and you would not have to change the Column order (making it the first) each time you wanted to enter some specific field for editing. For example, by clicking the Column title in the "InfoEdit" tool, you would make it "underlined" - that is, pinned for being the first editing focus entry.
F5 - refreshes "DiskTee". How the hell do you activate that Refresh button which you get when the folder content changes? Without using Folder Monitors you could just manually "refresh the view" and F5 is usually mapped for that.


One more thing - it would be very nice if "Quick Info Fields Edit" tool (which has "Edit History", "File" tabs) would not force you change focus onto the "PDF View" and it would start with focus on "File" tab (File tab function is awesome!), instead of "Edit History" tab.
Perhaps, by placing an additional icon (besides the icons for "Extract Document Images"/"Quick View"/"Quick Info Fields Edit") for the Document Tree tool (which has "DiskTree" at so called, in the documentation, "Zone 1") you could show/hide tree view tool when it gets hidden by "Quick Info Fields Edit" tabs ("File", "Edit History")?

If I'm correct, it seems that if no Custom Fields are present in the ScanGrid Layout then InfoEdit tool is hidden in the PDF Info mode. So actually it is "Custom Field InfoEdit"?


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