Ideas/Suggestions / Re: Filtering on Fields
« Last post by RTT on February 01, 2025, 02:08:43 AM »That tool has a "DB only" option, in order to save the changes only into the DB.
Instead of using the Acrobat plugin as the PDFE PDF reader try using the Sumatra PDF one, with the help of the NPAPI interface.
Sumatra PDF stopped delivering the NPAPI plugin with the 3.0 release, so you need to install the old 2.5.2 version (https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/download-prev), to get the npPDFViewer.dll file. Make sure you select, from the SumatraPDF installer options, the "install browser plugin..." option. You can then install the latest Sumatra PDF over that one. The dll will remain and will still work with the latest versions, even the 64-bit ones.
After you configure PDFE to use it (check attached screenshot) you will have a much more stable reader, without these errors.
var Lines = [];
function SelectValueFromCSV(params) {
var opt = params.split(',');
if (!Lines.length) {
var objFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(opt[0], 1 /*ForReading*/ , false, 0);
while (!objTextFile.AtEndOfStream) {
var strNextLine = objTextFile.Readline();
return parseInt(Lines[CurrentTask.PageNumber][opt[1]], 10);