Author Topic: insert/append question  (Read 6227 times)

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insert/append question
« on: May 29, 2007, 03:24:00 PM »
Hi, i'm using PDF explorer, and soo far it'a a great product. Still, i need some advice from you regarding insert/append function.
 I have 1 000 pdf files with 2-3 pages on a folder. I need to insert another different page to those files. Pages to be added are saved to another folder and I named them according to those 1 000. How should I proceed?



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« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2007, 05:31:00 PM »
The page you want to insert is different to all these files? You have 1000 PDFs and want to insert 1000 different PDF pages or the page you want to insert is equal to all?

If page to insert is equal to all, you just need to select all the 1000 PDFs, start the tool and when asked for pages to insert select the pdf file source of the page you want to insert, next edit the insert point and run the tool.

If you have 1000 different pdf pages to insert in 1000 pdf documents, respectively, currently there is no way to easy the task. You have to run 1000 different tasks. For that you need a command line tool so you can create a batch file/script. If you only need to append that page at the end of the document or insert it before the first page you can use my other tool, PDF-ShellTools, command line interface


To insert in another point of the files you have to wait until next version of PDF-ShellTools, the current one does not provide command line interface to the Insert/Append tool

If I have misunderstood your question, please reformulate it.