PDF-ShellTools > Ideas/Suggestions

optimize PDFs for machine learning / AI model training


My company trains and grounds Large Language Model (LLM) with PDF files. The problem is the valuable part of a
PDF is the body text, while the Table of contents, footnotes, index, and headers/footers create problems (especially with semantic search).

Do any of your utilities allow for batch processing of files that will:
- delete all text below a point size (ie delete text =<9 points will remove foot notes and index)
- remove Table of Contents
- remove all text in margins 

There is a lot of demand for a user-friendly tool that preps PDFs for machine learning.

There are functionalities to extract text, with the possibility to get font information (name, size,...), but not to edit it.

Take note it's not easy to segment a PDF in order to isolate these parts you want to remove. Internally, for the worst-case scenarios, you may have a "goto xy" and "print command" for each of the characters, without any specific order. There is no indication of what is a word, paragraph, etc. You need functionality like the used in OCR tools, that are able to provide that type of feature extraction in a useful format like hOCR.


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