Author Topic: PDFshelltools-your trial period has expired-please..blahblahblah  (Read 8291 times)

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Please tell me how to completely remove this software.

All of my pdf titles are now "PDFshelltools-your trial period has expired-please..blahblahblah"

I uninstalled the software using the uninstaller.  When that didn't work, I tried manually deleting registry keys pointing to pdf-shell tools.

Please help me solve this problem.



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Re: PDFshelltools-your trial period has expired-please..blahblahblah
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2011, 03:42:10 PM »
The uninstaller effectively remove all the PDF-ShellTools related registry keys. If you have found any, let me know.
So make sure the program isn't, really, installed anymore (the %ProgramFiles%"\PDF-ShellTools folder is gone), and you rebooted Windows, if requested to do so by the uninstaller.
If that's the case, there is no reason for what you are experiencing, other than cached values, so try rebuilding the Windows Search index .

If problem persist, let me know more about your system.
What Windows version you have?
Where are you seeing these titles?


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Re: PDFshelltools-your trial period has expired-please..blahblahblah
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2011, 04:34:52 PM »
Thanks for the reply, I have calmed down a little and am now less eager to destroy your livelihood by all possible means...Look, I even edited my first post so I don't look like such a psychopath  :)

Indeed, the problem only persists in windows-index related stuff. At first sight, I thought all my titles had been changed to "PDF-Shelltools......." and it kind of made me mad.

I am now rebuilding my index.  It's gonna take me a long time though, and I am still a little angry because none of my title info was added by your software.

There were some registry keys left over I believe, even after a reboot ( I followed all the instructions carefully).  Though I do not remember what they were, and I am certainly not going to install it again to find out (my trial's over, remember)

I could be wrong about this, however...

So, you say, once my index is rebuilt, no more title="pdfshelltools trial has expired"?

You promise?   ;)


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Re: PDFshelltools-your trial period has expired-please..blahblahblah
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2011, 12:00:57 AM »
I thought all my titles had been changed to "PDF-Shelltools......."
That can only happen if you manually select all your PDFs, and edit the Title, with the property handler or property sheet, passing that text as the new metadata of that field.

I am now rebuilding my index.  It's gonna take me a long time though, and I am still a little angry because none of my title info was added by your software.
That's not the problem. Your files metadata is intact. The problem is with the Windows search indexer, and the methods it uses to determine if the files metadata changed. IMHO, the indexer should only re-index a file, if its modification date changed, or if a new property handler, or ifilter, get registered, for that file type. That does not seems to be the case.

So, you say, once my index is rebuilt, no more title="pdfshelltools trial has expired"?

You promise?   
Don't need to promise :) If your PDFs titles aren't that message, and the PDF-ShellTools aren't installed anymore, that message is gone.