PDF-ShellTools > Ideas/Suggestions

replace filename


Nick Riviera:
...can I replace a string from a filename with a custom script...?

something like this:

[ReplaceS:replace this|[myScript]]([f])

Not possible while using the builtin ReplaceS function (the parameters are fixed, not parsed for dynamic content), but doable with a custom script.

With a custom script, named ReplaceStr, with this code:

--- Code: ---function ReplaceStr() {
    var params = CurrentField.value.split(',', 3);
    if (params.length == 3) {
        return params[0].replace(params[1], params[2]);

--- End code ---
you can then use this syntax: [ReplaceStr](source,searchValue,newValue)
With your example: [ReplaceStr]([F],replace this,[myScript])

Nick Riviera:
thank you for reply and  for the explanations
I do not know if the function ReplaceStr does not work or I did not proceed correctly...

01_replace this_document.pdf
the result should be:

In your screenshot the [ReplaceStr] part of the expression is not showing in blue, so your custom scripts don't have a script named ReplaceStr. Probably you forgot to rename the newly added script or mistyped the name.

Nick Riviera:
you're right,my mistake.. it's works..solved!Thanks!


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