PDF Explorer > Ideas/Suggestions

keywords highlichted or colored in pdf view


In Acrobat viewer there is one very good feature. After the search with keywords (say for instancte "isearchyou") you click to see the content of one of the listed pdf files. In the content of this file all the words who are equal to the used seach-word are highlighted. That is very easy because you do not have to read the entire text!
You look for the highlighted colored keyword and you know within seconds if this is a usefull pdf-file.
Can you integrate this feature into PDF Exlorer??



I have no control off that nice feature, using external reader plugins, so I can not implement it for now. If I finally manage to add an embedded reader I can do that, and many more.
Indexed content search is good but remember that meaningful metadata filled fields, obvious to achieve this there is the need to do some manual metadata edition work, is always the best catalogation/search method.

Well, if you manage to do it (in the future) I will be very glad. The pdf-files I search are sometimes files I have not read before.
And besides that I think the text search is a very important feature of PDF Explorer!




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