PDF-ShellTools > Ideas/Suggestions

Remove pdf-encryption: new file with lock


Hi, I have a small suggestion here:
When you remove a pdf's encryption, pdf shell tools generates a new file without encryption. These files do appear with a lock (see attachment) in windows explorer. This is, as far as I can see, not a big problem, but kind of an annoyance, at least for me. The reason for the lock is, to the best of my understanding, that pdf shell tools gives the new file standard security settings (rights for system, administrators and the user), while all other files in that folder have inherited security settings in my case.
I thus propose that pdf shell tools takes over the security settings of the encrypted pdf file.

This happens because some of the tools primarily create the new file in the Temp folder and, if operation succeeds, move it after to the final location. Because the Temp has different security settings, than the folder you are working on, you get that lock indication.
Thanks for pointing out the problem. I will try to have it fixed in the next release.


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